Hack The Future


15 Nov 2022


Hack The Future is an experience-driven hackathon both for IT and creative students and its backed by the CRONOS GROUP. When you registered for the hackathon you had to create a group of 2 people with its own name. I Joined up with Aron Buffel and together we created the group Null.


We picked the challenge Plant The Future by Optis. This challenge had 2 technologies, JavaSpring and React. The challenge itself was very simple, create a Front-end application in react that communicate with a JavaScript backend API The challenge had its own theme ours was the following: Creating a web application where you can purchase a number of trees. This way you can reduce your own CO2 emissions.


The event itself was well organized, the main event started at 9am with some welcome coffee and a briefing. After this the Hacking started for 2 Hours, after the 2 hours we had a well made lunch with soup, wraps ... When the lunch was done, we had another 2-3 hours of hacking. When the time was up we had to pitch our solutions and vote on the best one. As last, there was an Award ceremony that announced all the winners from the challenges


There were 2 prizes per challenge, one price was for being the most voted solution by other students and the other was being best solution for the challenge. Aron and I won one price, the price for most voted solution and with this we both got an backpack made out of cork.