First Day


3 Apr. 2022


Day 1 started very early and was a long day. We had to be in Bruges at 1AM to get our flight at 9am. The flight was 11 hours and when we arrived the time went 9 hours back. In San Fransisco we walked around and used the public transport.

Getting to San Francisco

It all started monday morning at 1AM, Here we took a bus in Bruges at 1AM to go to Kortrijk to pick up the rest of the group. When everyone arrived we drove to Paris to get a flight to San Francisco. The flight itself was at 9AM and was an 11 hour flight. When flying we got Breakfast, a little snack and then again a breakfast. This is because we went 9 hours back and made it morning again. I mainly slept in the airplane and watched some movies.

San Francisco

When arriving to the hostel after landing, the lectors had to get all the keys for the rooms. After waiting a couple of minutes they came to the conclusion that the rooms were not ready yet. So instead we went to a nearby mobile provider to get the people that did not have a sim yet a sim card. After this we took one of the oldest streetcars to go to the pier. Here on the pier we took a group picture and after this we were free to do whatever we wanted.


It was a hard and long day but it was worth it. The public transportation was okay but is not that good as Belgium so this said a lot about the public transportation.